The Harbour School – Audio in the BBT

The Harbour School’s BBT

Now that Covid interruptions seem to be lessening, I am happy to say that I have been getting ready to work with The Harbour School’s Black Box Theatre’s audio systems.

Yesterday was a few hours getting to know the installed system. A few adjustments were made to align some output levels. The Audinate’s Dante provides great, though complicated, remote manipulation over digital processing options. Very cool.

Some of the space and systems.

Yahama MIxer
Renkus Heinz Loudspeakers
LabGroupen Amplification
BiAmp Tesira Processing
Crestron Processing
Shure ULXD MIcrophone systems
Extron Matrix system (HDMI)
Clearcom Communication systems
Audinate’s Dante AV over IP management

A thoughtful and cfreative system that I look forward to getting to pl;ay with over time. It will be able to do great things.

The aim will be to get students in the know too 🙂

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