Final show – all good

The last show and all went well. All the set up and tuning turned out well.

 Funny how a shattered 2 KW Profile lens can make a great gobo:)  innovative minds at work…

 Director John Mulhall thanks the student cast and crew for a job well done.

 I was given a nicely smelly gift too. We’re not really done yet. The tech crew have a de-rig to do…

Adventures of Yoshi and the Tea Kettle – running well @ HKIS

The Tech-Know-Wise crew are now on their third of four performances and all is well.

Adjustments / fine tuning has continued daily. Here’s hyper-cardioid microphone adjustments.

 The students set up a three camera live recording system to record the final two shows.
  It amazes me again how focused the students are when doing such tasks. It is great to see the self motivation and attention to detail. Lots to talk about post event.
 All things considered they’ve done a great job and they’re all new to it. It’ll only get better. One more show and then the de-rig and reflection.

Ready to run, almost…

Inputting the lighting cues with Hong Kong International School, Middle School drama production director, John Mulhall. A creative, time consuming and comforting process.

 The Tech Know Wise crew are working from the marked up script. Nearly ready to run.

 A few more light adjustments (always some more to do …)

 The basics area ready to go. The kids rock:)

Sound and lighting design for StarLit Voice production of ‘Nornal’

Working with the StarLit Voice Drama Group tech students. Developing lighting design and sound track sequences for upcoming production of a UK based script called ‘Nornal’

  Production will take place December 10 – 12 at the HK Arts centre. Great name : NORMAL. Director : Vince Warren.

Setting up for a HKIS Middle School drama production

Great to be working with the MS’s Tech Know Wise crew setting up the lighting, sound and communication systems for the upcoming Hong Kong International School’s Middle School drama production.

 Again, an interesting set to light up. We’re under a bit of pressure to get things ready. Show starts Wed 18 Nov, 2015.
 My aim is for the new grade 6 Tech Know Wise students  to set up and operate the sound, light & communication systems. The crew is new as our previous 6 show experienced grade 8 students went to High School. A new crew is forming 🙂

 I am sure they’ll do very well.

Visual representation

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A picture is worth a thousand words.
I couldn’t agree more yet believe it’s likely an underestimation…

I spend quite a bit of time in meetings, discussing educational ideal, process, requirements, next steps and frequently need to share associated findings outcomes with others.

Being very aware that people posses very different learning preferences hightens a belief that when sharing information, info-graphics may support effective communication.

Below’s a few neat URL’s that may make the construction of such things a bit easier.

Screen Shot 2014-05-18 at 4.35.49 pm – Make you won info-graphics :
Making information beautiful has never been easier

Screen Shot 2014-05-18 at 4.43.22 pm – Create and share visual ideas

Screen Shot 2014-05-18 at 4.48.11 pm– Create interactive info-graphics

This company is promoting it’s upcoming Video Info-graphics. Not sure what that means but it sound neat. I shall find out asap.

PIXLR – hooray

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I have to share how pleased we will be as for some time now we’ve been considering what to do about Adobe’s mass increase in price for it’s creative suites.
It has put my school HKIS in a position where we can not apply it’s tools to our courses as it’s become too expensive. We have been disappointed with the idea of having to loose such a grand product. I am also aware that we are not the only educational environment that is looking to other tools.
Maybe this will open Adobe’s eyes to the downside of large price inflation…. Fingers crossed.

Screen Shot 2014-05-06 at 9.04.12 am PIXLR :

Anyho PIXLR was mentioned to me the other day – YEAH.
It is amazing what is available to us on the www today.
I look forward to using this in place and hope it can become a suitable replacement.
It’s here:

Thanks PIXLR


Care required with using technology

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Increasingly larger groups within societies are becoming ever greater users of technology. I work to advocate, encourage and educate such. I enjoy the challenge. 🙂
However, I know we are mistakingly a little thoughtless on the affect our usage patterns might be having on our physical state. For a healthy and progressive path forward, it’s really important that we recognise any potentially negative impacts technology usage habits or associated posture may have on us and do something to improve, or at least address this. Through personal awareness and proactive behaviours we can still do brilliant things with the support of technology but in a health conscious manner. Amusing as it is, the below image shows an evolution timeline, since upright through, agricultural, industrial to now.. technological.
Odd we seem to be moving backwards. Untitled-5I would like to point out that the above image was introduced  to me by my Spine surgeon: Dr Raymond Yip (earlier posts refer to this). From his reality driven perspective we are simply not looking after ourselves. Our Technology usage patterns are frequently stressing our body and creating potential health issues. I recognise that I am sensitive to the topic of back pain having had a potentially life altering condition but the information displayed below is beneficial to all. The following image illustrates pressure on the spinal discs. Our common technology usage position is causing unwelcome pressure on our spines. disc pressure Again common discomfort / concerns around technology usage positions. usageRegardless of what we already know about technology use, ergonamics and the associated negative impacts on our health. We seldomly respond to it.
Below’s an image that presents a better way to work.
Image origin:  usage 2 The ball is in our court.

Program interactivity – just great

Thought I’d just share some enthusiasm towards the effectiveness of online communication systems. The ability to record a digital operational process to video with two clicks, “share ” directly to YouTube, embed the video directly into a Blog post is greatly communicative.
I am impressed with the smoothness of the process.
I do appreciate that I am likely an advanced user of tech but hey it is easy.